Leading with Courage and Hope

Event Details

Below you will find our detailed schedule with session descriptions and our speaker bios. We look forward to seeing you at the event!

Leading with Courage & Hope

Detailed Event Schedule

Each session block will last 45 minutes followed by a 15-minute break for connection and reflection before the next session begins. We have this schedule planned to allow solid sections of time to dive deep, as well as flexible space in between to allow for conversation and connection among this community of Christ. You should come expecting to focus on and process through a vision for your community with your community. Be open to how the Spirit wants to unfold your next steps!

9:30 AM – Event Check-In

Claremore FUMC

Registration and Check-In to receive your materials for the day.

10:00 AM – Main Session

A Narrative of Hope

Rev. Ray Crawford – We will open our time with worship and Ray will build encouragement for the conversations ahead.

11:00 AM – Breakouts 1

Making the Ask

Rev. Dr. David Wiggs Someone said to me recently, that I ask people for money with more ease than most.  Perhaps, it is because just as it is important to invite people into a profession of faith in Christ, it is important to ask people to give toward mission and ministry, I believe.  Just as in salvation, also in stewardship — we benefit and connect more deeply within the Christian community when we respond to the invitation. But someone has to extend the invitation, that is, to ask!  This session will explore the “how to’s” and the theology to give you confidence to thrive in this significant area of our life together. (With OMF’s Mr. Alan Herndon)

Funding Sources

Rev. Derrek Belase & Rev. David Burris – Funding ministry is difficult, but there are partners and funding available.  Come take the mystery out of funding ministry at this workshop designed to give you practical tools and ideas for furthering your impact on God’s kingdom. (with OMF’s Ms. Julie Nance)

Who’s Next?

Rev. Jay Smith This breakout session is designed to help anyone who comes to cultivate a fresh vision for how to prioritize, equip, and mobilize your local church to reach younger generations. So many of our churches and church goers have a heart to reach younger people but are struggling to define what is needed to actually do it. This session is not some “silver bullet” to help fix what is a Church-wide problem, but this is an opportunity to hear about what challenges and opportunities there are to be in for the next generations. (With OMF’s Mr. Mike Wiley)

The Legacy Program

Mr. David Battles – In this session we will discuss why every church needs a Legacy Endowment Program.   Without a Legacy Endowment Program your church is missing gifts that are going to other organizations.  Why?  Your members do not know or how that they can leave a gift through their will or trust.  This session will show you how to set up and promote the Legacy Endowment Program. (With Claremore FUMC’s Rev. Ray Crawford)

12:00 PM – Lunch & Ministry Conversation

Building & Activating Ministry

1:00 PM – Breakouts 2

Making the Ask

Rev. Dr. David Wiggs Someone said to me recently, that I ask people for money with more ease than most.  Perhaps, it is because just as it is important to invite people into a profession of faith in Christ, it is important to ask people to give toward mission and ministry, I believe.  Just as in salvation, also in stewardship — we benefit and connect more deeply within the Christian community when we respond to the invitation. But someone has to extend the invitation, that is, to ask!  This session will explore the “how to’s” and the theology to give you confidence to thrive in this significant area of our life together. (With OMF’s Mr. Alan Herndon)

Funding Sources

Rev. Derrek Belase & Rev. David Burris – Funding ministry is difficult, but there are partners and funding available.  Come take the mystery out of funding ministry at this workshop designed to give you practical tools and ideas for furthering your impact on God’s kingdom. (with OMF’s Ms. Julie Nance)

Who’s Next?

Rev. Jay Smith This breakout session is designed to help anyone who comes to cultivate a fresh vision for how to prioritize, equip, and mobilize your local church to reach younger generations. So many of our churches and church goers have a heart to reach younger people but are struggling to define what is needed to actually do it. This session is not some “silver bullet” to help fix what is a Church-wide problem, but this is an opportunity to hear about what challenges and opportunities there are to be in for the next generations. (With OMF’s Mr. Mike Wiley)

The Legacy Program

Mr. David Battles – In this session we will discuss why every church needs a Legacy Endowment Program.   Without a Legacy Endowment Program your church is missing gifts that are going to other organizations.  Why?  Your members do not know or how that they can leave a gift through their will or trust.  This session will show you how to set up and promote the Legacy Endowment Program. (With Claremore FUMC’s Rev. Ray Crawford)

2:00 PM – Closing Session

Here I Am, Lord

Mr. Mike WileyWe will outline opportunities for your local church to re-engage with your community. OMF will partner with your leaders to explore needs in your mission field and discover the heart of your church for meeting those needs.

3:00 PM – End of Event